Anti-Oppression Psychotherapy Training (AOP)
the last couple of years Continuing Healing Consultants have delivered
training on AOP to mental health professionals and community development
experts in Toronto and Vancouver. Additionally, we have provided
specific training on topics such as working with victims of hate crimes,
dealing with suicidal clients, crisis intervention, conflict resolution
for managers, trauma informed praxis and introduction to
Anti-Oppression Psychotherapy for non for profit organizations and for
entities within the provincial government. We were excited to include in
our service delivery face to face as well as E-learning components.
addition to our training/educational services, Continuing Healing
Consultants is excited to announce an upcoming publication through the
Centre for Addictions and Mental Health where we discuss Anti-Oppression
Psychotherapy as Trauma Informed Praxis.
At this
point we are also delighted to announce that we are open for new clients
interested in pursuing/continuing their healing journeys with
Anti-Oppression Psychotherapy. Our services are available in English and
Spanish. If you are interested in booking an appointment or to discuss
further how our services match your needs, please contact us at (416)
Additionally, we are also excited to continue
offering clinical consultation for therapists and managerial
supervision for organizations/individuals interested in strengthening
their service delivery using an anti-oppression approach.
We look forward to continuing serving our communities!